How many drops of water does it take to fill a bucket? … ONE ... over and over again! And which of these drops was unnecessary or
insignificant toward the goal of filling the bucket? Every one of them was needed to accomplish
the goal! Every little thing you do
toward your goal MATTERS!
Thomas Edison said, "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
GRATITUDE is an anchor! When you're feeling worried or fearful, hurried or stressed out, "Gratitude will never fail to strengthen your faith and renew your purpose." Wallace Wattles
Your positive thoughts are like seeds in a garden. They will grow and produce the life you desire IF you cultivate and nurture them. But just like in a vegetable garden, if you leave your seeds unattended, they will become overrun with weeds, and quickly! Your seeds will not grow and you will not reap the harvest you so desired. Continually tend to your mental garden. Pull out the negative thoughts by the roots. Water your positive thoughts and give then plenty of sunlight by reading empowering material daily. Continually reinforce those positive thoughts by design, and reap the life of your dreams!
There is ALWAYS a solution! Just keep at it - keep asking - keep trying - keep exploring - keep experimenting. Just don't give up ... there is no solution there! Remember Edison!
So many people find themselves paralyzed by FEAR - WORRY - and DOUBT. They WANT to move forward but they are STUCK in habitual patterns that keep them right where they are! If this sounds like you ... I can help you break the spell. Let's chat!
Imagine the life you'd love to live ...
and then live the life you've imagined!
"If you want your LIFE to change ... YOU must change!
Since 80% of your revenue is generated by about 20% of your activity/customers, it's a good idea to take the time to identify those activities and those specific customers and then duplicate both! The 80 - 20 Rule reigns supreme! Don't ignore it - Capitalize on it!
You were BORN with your own unique brand of gifts, talents and abilities! Why were you blessed with these? ... To USE them in your life, why else?
Please know that it's OKAY to pursue these and fulfill your dreams. You are suppose to!
Doing so will bring you unspeakable JOY and SATISFACTION!
Doing so will bring you unspeakable JOY and SATISFACTION!
What you do TODAY will determine your tomorrow.
You can't wait until TOMORROW to create the tomorrow you really want!
Friday, January 24, 2014
"Dear past, Thank you for all the lessons!"
" Dear future, I'm ready now!"
Planning is important, but if you never take ACTION, you can plan on winding up with nothing more than you started with!
Two types of people never succeed: The people who THINK and never DO ... and the people who DO and never THINK.
"Lift anchor and SAIL to your destination!"
Don't let anything hold you back!
"The secret to getting ahead is getting STARTED!"
Let your smile change the world ~ Don't let the world change your smile!
"The most delightful surprise in life is to suddenly recognize your own worth!" Maxwell Maltz EVERYONE has value! Take the time to recognize your own, and don't be afraid to acknowledge it!
"TIME is more valuable than MONEY! ... You can make more money,
but you cannot make more time." Jim Rohn
Sometimes life seems like an uphill battle. But, "... Everything worthwile was done - by small steps taken one by one. To see the goal your striving for - take one step more, then - one step more!" Excerpt from Poem
"Feel the fear and do it anyway!" If it doesn't scare you a little, it's not big enough! Turn your fear into excitement by contemplating and focusing on the positive outcome you desire.
We've already established that TIME is more valuable than MONEY, right? That being true, if you don't let other people steal your money, it's even more important not to let others steal your precious time! Guard it and use it wisely. You only have so much of it.
"Until you commit your goals to paper, you merely have intentions that are like seeds without soil!" Annonymous
Map our your strategy, week-by-week all year long with the
Flip through this workbook with me on this short video!
Let me know if you'd like me to send one to you!
Let me know if you'd like me to send one to you!
A BOSS says, "GO!" A LEADER says, "LET'S go!"
Say this to yourself every day: "My future's so bright, I gotta wear sunglasses!" Thanks Tim Almond
Do not be discouraged, for every failed attempt is another step forward!
"Life is short!" We always say that, and it's very true! So why don't you live the way you really want to live right now? Whatever you love to do ... do that now! What are you waiting for?
"If you seek opportunity in life, you will end up with all the security you need. If you seek security, you will end up with neither opportunity or security."
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away ... but you can't eat 7 apples on Sunday and expect the same result!" Jim Rohn
'You can search the world over to find the person who is more deserving of your love and affection than you yourself are, but you will never find that person anywhere.'
"If we're going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, we might as well laugh about it now!" Marie Osmond
When you open the door of OPPORTUNITY,
don't be surprised with WORK answers the door!
“You never can tell what your thoughts will do in bringing you hate or love ~ For thoughts are things and their airy wings are swifter than carrier doves. They follow the law of the universe; each thing must produce its kind ~ And they follow the track to bring you back whatever went out from your mind!”
"The difference between where you are and where you want to be is
what you do!"
"Sometimes you've just got to JUMP IN and figure it out!
You can't learn to swim by reading instructions!" Annonymous
When you do the things you NEED to do when you need to do them, then the day will come when you can do the thing you WANT to do when you want to do them! Zig Ziglar
"The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement!"
Herb Ball
Go as far as you can see. When you get there, you will
see how to go even farther. RINSE - REPEAT!
see how to go even farther. RINSE - REPEAT!
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